Sometimes, you need more than just one pre-rolled joint -- you need five! Scale looks differently to different businesses. Perhaps you're not ready for an industrial grinder and half a million cones. Sometimes you just need your joint rollers to produce 5 times more than they are today. Enter The Revolver! The portable Revolver grinding and cone-filling device takes every roller to the power of five. With a sturdy metal grinder construction and hard plastic cone chambers, the Revolver is a top-tier portable product. Also, once done filling your joints, you simply raise a single ring to present all cones for hand finishing.
You might think this 2-in-1 product comes by its lonesome. Oh no! It comes with a 20 109mm pre-rolled natural brown cones, a pack of matches, and a "doob tube" that can be used time and time again.
The Revolver has six overall chambers. Five chambers are there for you to fill your pre-rolled joints, plus a final chamber that drops your ground cannabis to the bottom of the device for capture and personal use.