How to Finish a Hemp Wrap Pre-Roll
Posted by Custom Cones USA on Oct 30th 2023
Hemp wrap blunts and cones offer great opportunities to expand your pre-roll offerings with unique and premium products. While hemp wrap pre-rolled cones and blunts are sure to get people’s attention in the dispensary, there are certain things you need to bear in mind when using these special wraps. Due to their sensitive nature, you need to store and handle your hemp wraps in very specific ways.
Whether you are a commercial producer interested in expanding your product line or a connoisseur looking to pack perfect pre-rolled blunts, you need to take the right steps when finishing hemp wrap pre-rolls. As the industry leader in cannabis pre-roll supplies, we have some tried and tested methods for finishing the perfect hemp wrap blunts and cones.
What is a Hemp Wrap?

While people love smoking blunts, many of them share underlying health concerns about consuming a tobacco product along with their cannabis. In response, manufacturers created hemp wraps by pressing pulp from industrial hemp plants into thin sheets that resemble tobacco leaves in texture. In turn, these sheets are then made into hemp wrap cones and blunt tubes which are sold by companies like Custom Cones USA.
Hemp wraps are thicker and more flavorful compared to rolling papers, but they still allow the flavors of the terpenes and your flower to come through when smoking. Because they don’t contain any tobacco, hemp wraps are also considered a better alternative to traditional tobacco-based blunt wrap options.
Why are Hemp Wraps Unique?
Hemp wraps naturally dry out over time, so you must store and handle hemp wraps in very specific ways. Not only must you carefully regulate the moisture content of your hemp wraps, but you must also finish them correctly after packing into pre-rolls. Similarly, it's important that you treat the products properly when being packaged and going to market.

What are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Hemp Wraps?
We have identified a few key common mistakes that people tend to make when working with hemp wraps. By avoiding these errors early on, you can better protect your product inventory, while also ensuring a smooth and efficient production line.
Improper Storage of Hemp Wraps
While many people only think of storage solutions for actual cannabis products, you also need to consider the right way to store hemp wraps - especially pertaining to moisture control. Compared to regular pre-rolled cones, hemp wraps come with a higher moisture content, so they can more easily pull water from the air or release moisture into the air.
When it comes to long-term storage, you should keep your hemp wraps in a cool, humidity-controlled environment. If you happen to live in an extremely humid climate, you will want to consider using a dehumidifier in your storage area, as too much moisture can cause your hemp wraps to grow mold. You want to take advantage of dryness for long-term storage, but reintroduce moisture when it finally comes time to enter the production phase with your hemp wraps.
Failure to Recondition Hemp Wraps
You only want to pack and finish hemp wraps when they are at the perfect moisture level. If you fail to recondition hemp wraps before working with them, the wraps will become extremely weak and brittle. In turn, overly dry hemp wraps easily chip and crack during the production and packaging phases.
When you are ready to start producing hemp wrap pre-rolls, all you have to do is store them in an air-tight container with humidity packs. Since humidity packs are specifically designed for two-way moisture control, they provide hemp wraps with the perfect moisture content. Once sealed, leave your hemp wraps in a container with humidity packs for a minimum of 48 hours.
If you plan on producing large numbers of hemp wrap pre-rolls, you might want to consider investing in a humidor to regulate moisture levels and keep your manufacturing line moving efficiently.
How Should I Prepare My Cannabis Before Adding It to a Hemp Wrap?

In order to ensure a smooth draw and even burn with hemp wraps, it's best to avoid grinding cannabis flowers too much. As seen with traditional blunts, a coarser grind allows for better airflow inside the tube. Not only does a coarse grind provide a smooth draw, but it also helps ensure the blunt burns evenly with adequate airflow.
For commercial producers, this means getting your grinding system dialed specifically for hemp wrap pre-roll production. Not only must you research the perfect moisture content in cannabis flowers that is needed for a coarse grind, but you also need to figure out the right settings on your grinder to make this happen.
What are the Best Types of Hemp Wraps to Use for Pre-Rolls?
We provide our customers with some distinct options when it comes to hemp wraps for commercial production.
Classic Hemp Wrap
Classic hemp wraps are the most traditional type of hemp wraps that you find at head shops and dispensaries. Closely resembling tobacco blunt wraps in their texture and appearance, these are the hemp wraps that require the most care during both storage and production.
We offer a variety of hemp wrap options for our customers, coming as both pre-rolled blunt tubes and pre-rolled cones. You can purchase hemp wraps in a variety of flavors - ranging from cocoa to sage. Custom Cones USA also sells hemp wrap cones and blunts with different filters, such as glass, spiral, and wood. Generally speaking, these hemp products are available in packages ranging from 50 to 800 units.

Hybrid Hemp Wraps
In order to address the issue of cracking and dry blunts, We created a new type of hemp wrap referred to as the "hybrid hemp wrap." Created through a unique manufacturing process, hybrid hemp wraps don’t dry out as easily as traditional hemp wraps.
We offer hybrid hemp wraps as both blunt cones and pre-roll cones. Depending on your operation, hybrid wraps might be just what you need to streamline your manufacturing process. Custom Cones USA sells hybrid hemp wraps in a number of colors and package sizes.
What is the Best Technique for Finishing a Hemp Wrap?
After your hemp wrap blunts have come off the manufacturing line, you still need to finish them before they can be packaged. Even when it comes to this final step, hemp wraps must be treated much differently than regular rolling papers. While you twist the tips of traditional cones to finish them, hemp wraps require a more delicate touch.
If you attempt to twist the tip of a hemp wrap, it will crack and fall apart. Rather, the end of the blunt needs to be folded inward while working your way around the tip in a circular fashion. This technique is known as a "Dutch crown." After your hemp wraps are finished, they should have a uniform fold around the end that will eventually be lit with a lighter.
Use Silicone Caps
Tricks for Keeping the Hemp Wrap from Cracking
In order to successfully fold hemp wraps during the finishing process, they must contain the proper amount of moisture. As such, be sure your wraps are properly rehydrated in with humidity packs or a humidor before working with them.
Get High-Quality Hemp Wraps with Custom Cones USA
Hemp wraps are a great way to expand your pre-roll offerings with premium products. In order to provide your customers with the best possible products, you should only work with experienced pre-roll suppliers and blunt packaging companies.
At Custom Cones USA, both our classic hemp wraps and hybrid hemp wraps are extremely popular. For many customers, it simply comes down to personal preference concerning which of these products they choose.
Contact Us today to expand your pre-roll product line!
Hemp wrap blunts and cones offer great ways to expand your pre-roll offerings with unique and premium products. While hemp wrap pre-rolls are sure to get people’s attention in the dispensary, there are certain things you need to bear in mind when using these special wraps.