Enhance your sense of peace and well-being with the Sage Botanical Blunt Cone!
You'll find the Sage Botanical Blunt Cones at the intersection of calm and tranquility. The fine, all-natural raw materials lend themselves to a rich smoking experience featuring a smooth draw and an even burn. Made with all natural sage, these cones are not artificially flavored, but you will notice the natural sage flavor and aroma while burning. Once you get past the distinct sandy brown color, you find a stiff cone that works well in your cone-filling machine and burns like a champ. These cones are free of pesticides and any other foreign material to give them a clean, unfettered savory-sweet smoke that aligns beautifully with your flower.
Please Note: The Care and Keeping of Hemp Wrap Products
Hemp wrap cones and tubes need a little bit of extra care and attention before filling them with your product. Unlike pre-rolled cones and tubes made with standard papers, the hemp wraps are made of all-natural hemp pulp, which naturally dries out over time. Custom Cones USA recommends allowing a few days after unpacking your hemp wrap items for them to re-hydrate by storing them with moisture packs. Please follow the recommended re-hydrating times below. Alternatively, you can also add moisture to these products using a handheld steamer in a pinch, as demonstrated on our YouTube channel. These hemp wrap cones and tubes need a bit more time and care, but your customers are sure to appreciate your efforts!
Basic instructions for re-hydrating hemp wraps:
Directions for products stored in tower Cases:
One week before you’re ready to fill your hemp wrap products, place a humidity pack inside the tower case between the stacked cones.
If plastic tub options are used to store your tubes, place the contents of the tower Case with the inner tray inside the tub with supplied moisture packs for at least 48 hours before use.
Directions for other products in small Cases or plastic containers:
Simply place the entire contents of the container into zip lock bags or plastic tubs along with the supplied moisture pack for at least 48 hours before use.