Customer Testimonials

While visiting Flora Terra in California, Alicia walks us through how to create lasting partnership with retail brands, what they look for in a partnership, what sits and what flies off the shelves, and tons of insight to running a successful cannabis micro business. Through strong brand partners, and tactical retail phycology, Flora Terra has created an incredible presence in the Santa Rosa Market.

At the end of May 2021, Custom Cones USA had the opportunity to tour a new Next Big Crop grow facility in Chickasha, Oklahoma, as well as interview Jarret Ricci, the grow's main cultivation superintendent. We talk cultivation, pre-rolls, packaging, and teaming up with budtenders and dispensaries to sell their premium blunt brand, Midz!

Comco Wellness walks our team through the farm, showing us how he is creating quality cannabis products, while operating an incredible business model that allows the company to bring those good products to their customers at below market price points.

Detroit Based cannabis brand, Glacier Cannabis, explains the importance of product variety, taking your customer on a marketing journey through your pre-roll packaing, and the importance of maintaining good quality product throughout the growth of a business.

Gold Kine is nothing short of an incredible company and partner. We discuss prioritizing the creation of a elevated brand pressance using creative packaging and quality product while maintaining reasonable pricing to combat inflation, and the rising concern about federal legalization.

Detroit cannabis brand, Urban Farms creates truly unique pre-roll products. We get an inside look into Urban Farms pre-roll production, and what makes the Holy Canoly pre-roll so popular in Michigan State.

Custom Cones had a great time chatting with Jon Pat Dickinson and Tim Thatcher from Boundless Biologics at one of their partner dispensaries about the Oklahoma cannabis market, starting up their business, and the power of well-thought-out cannabis packaging.

While down in Eufaula, Oklahoma, Ryan Alexander, director of operations and co-owner of Escalated Greens, took us to school on creating a tight-knit company culture, a business' role in the community, and how close connection to the plant drives everything they do.

While in Boston, Massachusetts, CustomConesUSA visits Native Sun Wellness to see what trends are being set in the market, and how CustomConesUSA was able to help Native Sun stay ahead of the curve on a long, hectic road!

CustomConesUSA visits Revolutionary Clinics in Boston, Massachusetts to learn about the hurdles that are accompanied by rapid growth! We talk about sales, market trends, and what a quality product looks like in 2021!

While in in Boston, Massachusetts, CustomConesUSA visits Garden Remedies to learn what a successful grow facility is doing to stay ahead in a competitive market. Funny enough, growth is Garden Remedies biggest facing challenge, not a bad problem to have!

While in Las Vegas for MJBIZCON, CustomConesUSA visits Redwood Cultivation to learn more about an industry leading pre-roll line in the Las Vegas Area. We talk market trends, company growth, and best practices to stay ahead of the curve in such an expanding market!

Washington D.C is an interesting market, to say the least. Through a unique gifting system, and the King Kone Starter Kit, District Derp has been able to create a new standard for buying and consuming cannabis in the Washington D.C market.

Seattle is unique in a lot of ways, but being one of the best cannabis markets in the United States brings it all home! CustomConesUSA heads over to our neighbor Solstice, to find out what it was like being one of the first companies in Washington State to sell recreational cannabis, and how they are staying relevant today.

While in Las Vegas, Nevada, Custom Cones USA had the privilege of visiting Mammoth Labs to see what Jezuz the Jewler has been cooking up! Mammoth Labs has a special infusion method used in their pre-rolls that make them absolute top tier.